Saturday, 25 February 2012


The software is Ubuntu 11.10 instructions are here 
The software for the arbotix is here
Installing ROS is the hard part you have to do a source install follow the instructions here select a ROS-base install.
I spent a lot of time trying to compile other features like robot_model that resulted in failure (after about 6 hours). I was able to run Roscore and the Arbotix driver on the beagleBoard and move_base and the URDF on a remote computer with Rviz and teleop or using navigation in rviz. I still need to compile UVC_cam to compile
(opencv causes errors) and install festival TTS


Qbot uses a arbotix MCU and a LN298 motor driver the motors are 100:1 gear motors with built in encoders. The arbotix also will control the dynamixel servos in the pan and tilt when finished. The BeagleBoard runs ubuntu 11.10 and ROS electric. The whole lot is powered by a 7 amp/hr SLA battery

Friday, 10 February 2012

Beagle_bot the start

Beagle_bot is a sort of Qbo copy
The features we want to incorporate are
  • Low power usage
  • android control
  • face tracking
  • Robbie_AI
Computer control is done with a BeagleBoard and a Arbotix MCU
running Ubuntu 11.4 and ros electric